

Sustainability Policy

We promote sustainability through our brands, building an excellent working environment of diversity and inclusion, transparent communication with our customers, efficient management of natural resources, encouraging our suppliers to adopt best practices and private social investment focused on promoting longevity and quality of life.

Click here to access the Annual Reports.

Awards and Recognitions

In October, GBarbosa achieved RA-1000, the highest seal of excellence awarded by the website. Giga Atacado was the grand champion in the IER (Receiving Efficiency Index) award, promoted by IPTC (São Paulo Institute of Cargo Transportation).

In November, Prezunic received the recognition “Partner of Mesa Brasil/SESC Rio de Janeiro”, a result of the consistency of food donations to needy communities in the region.

At the end of the year, the Bretas, Gbarbosa, and Prezunic brands consolidated their presence in the Top 10 of the “Solution Index” in the “Supermarkets” segment, on the website. Additionally, Prezunic, Perini, and GBarbosa also remained in the Top 10 of the “Satisfaction Index”, in the “Supermarkets” segment of the same electronic portal.


Cencosud Sustainability Institute

Seeking to further consolidate Cencosud Brasil’s ESG initiatives, another step was taken with the creation of an identity to represent this progress: the Corporate Institute. Previously known as the GBarbosa Institute, it has been renamed to Cencosud Sustainability Institute and gained national coverage. It is now the socio-environmental responsibility arm of Grupo Cencosud in Brazil, covering the GBarbosa, Bretas, Prezunic, Mercantil Atacado, Perini, Spid, and GIGA Atacado brands.


In 4Q23, the Institute had the presence of 2,540 participants, an increase of 81.8% compared to 4Q22. The activities offered by the Institute included gastronomy and dance classes, as well as events dedicated to “Pink October”, which raised awareness among participants for breast cancer prevention.

In December, the Institute executed a Letter of Intent with the Cargill Foundation, aiming to promote present and future joint actions, for the transformation of communities, generating a positive socio-environmental impact, in municipalities where Cargill and Cencosud are present.

Solidarity Change

Through this program, customers and employees can donate their spare change in cash and contribute to activities carried out by social institutions in the locations where we operate.

Diversity and Inclusion

In 4Q23, the female presence in leadership positions accounted for 34.9%, up by 0.3 p.p. over 4Q22. This increase was due to a several initiatives, such as the Cenco Mulheres program (female leadership mentoring), aiming to boost female representation in leadership positions. It is worth noting that women account for 49.5% of Cencosud’s workforce.

The promotion of inclusion of black or brown people in leadership positions reached 57.5% in the quarter, compare to 56.3% in 4Q22, an increase of 1.2 p.p.. It is important to highlight that, there was a change in the job evaluation methodology, in the quarter, where the leadership average no longer formed part of this indicator. Considering the previous calculation, the growth would have been 1.9 p.p. (64.8% in 4Q23 compared to 62.9% in 4Q22).

It is also worth noting that 20.4% of employees are now over 50 years of age, showing an increase of 1.8 p.p. compared to 4Q22.

These results show our commitment to promoting an inclusive culture and providing equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their age, gender, or ethnic-racial background.

Salary Transparency Report

In compliance with Law 14,611 of July 3, 2023, Cencosud Brasil shares the Transparency and Salary Equality reports made available on the Empresa Brasil Portal of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE). The document is based on the MTE methodology that uses data from the 2022 eSocial, according to the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO), providing information regarding establishments with more than 100 employees. It is worth noting that the calculation does not consider the Company’s salary policy and other factors that affect salary composition. Cencosud Brasil is proud to have an equitable Remuneration Policy, in which the salary is attributed to the position and not to its occupant, thus contributing to the construction of a fairer and more egalitarian society.

Click here to access the reports.


Traceability of Fresh Produce

The RAMA program (Fresh Produce Traceability) aims to understand the origin and path taken by food, have more information about the production process of foods, make purchasing decisions based on secure information, and contribute to conscious consumption.

In 4Q23, the RAMA program (FLV Traceability) achieved a compliance rate of 77.4%, down by 5.4 p.p. from 4Q22, due to the entry of new suppliers, who, that were still adjusting to the program parameters in the quarter.

Friendly Bread (Pão Amigo)

In August 2023, GBarbosa began selling the “Pão Amigo” initiative. Each unit purchased of this product allocates a portion of the value to support the projects of the Association for Assistance to Disabled Children (AACD). This partnership offers customers the opportunity to directly contribute to important social causes through their conscious consumption choices.

Cage-free chicken eggs

We encourage our suppliers to adopt cage-free egg production to support us in meeting our commitments on this subject, which are:
– 100% eggs of own brands from free chickens by 2025.
– All eggs sold in our stores are from free chickens by 2028.

Click here and learn about our commitment with the sale of cage-free chicken eggs*

Commitment to Sustainable Meat Purchasing

We prioritize purchasing experiences aligned with social demands, promoting relationships of trust, transparency and sustainability in the meat supply chain.

Click here and learn about our commitment with the sustainable purchase of meat

ESG Indicators

  4Q23 4Q22 Δ% 2023 2022 Δ%
Life Project (Youtube chanel)
Subscribers (ths) 61,0 59,0 3,4% 61,0 59,0 3,4%
Views (ths) 28,7 23,0 24,8% 129,2 156,0 -17,2%
Cencosud Institute            
# participants 2.540 1.397 81,8% 8.770 5,545 58,2%
# stores 4 4 0,0% 7 4 75,0%
Solidarity Tips (R$ thousand donated) 9,9 11,0 -10,0% 37,7 57,0 -33,9%
% of employees over 50 years old 20,4% 18,6% 1,8 p.p. 20,4% 18,6% 1,8 p.p.
# young pprentices 542 507 6,9% 542 507 6,9%
% of employees with a disability 5,0% 5,0% 0,0 p.p. 5,0% 5,0% 0,0 p.p.
Inclusion of Gender and Race            
% of women in the total workforce 49,5% 49,9% -0,3 p.p. 49,5%  49,5% 0,0 p.p.
% of women in leadership positions 34,9% 34,6% 0,3 p.p. 34,9% 34,6% 0,3 p.p.
% of blacks (blacks or browns) in total workforce 68,6% 68,5% 0,1 p.p. 68,6% 68,8% -0,2 p.p.
% of blacks (blacks or browns) in leadership positions 57,5% 56,3% 1,2 p.p. 57,5% 56,3% 1,2 p.p.
FLV Traceability (% compliance) 77,4% 82,8%      -5,4 p.p. 77,4% 82,8%      -5,4 p.p.
Recycling of waste from own operation (tons) 1.828 1.723 6,1% 7.777 8,603 -9,6%
Silated or Composted Tons (organic solid waste) 157  –  157
% of total waste 10,4% 28,8% -18,4 p.p 25,8% 30,5% -4,7%
Customer waste recycling
Voluntary Delivery Point for Lamps (tons)  1,7 1,2  41,7%  4,7  4,5  4,4% 
Point of Voluntary Delivery of Glass Bottles (tons)  21,8  –  –  53,8  –  –
Returnable Bags (thousand units) 196,4 174,0 12,9% 696,0 670 3,9%
Free market renewable energy            
MWh 52.020 45.442 14,5% 203.879 177.320 15,0%
% of total energy 91,8% 72,2% 19,6 p.p. 82,4% 70,4% 12,0 p.p.
Energy Efficiency Initiatives            
Lamps LED (% of coverage) 58,3% 56,2% 2,1 p.p. 58,3% 56,2% 2,0 p.p.
Plugins Refrigerated Displays (% of coverage) 97,6% 97,5% 0,1 p.p. 97,6% 97,5% 0,1 p.p.
Refrigerated Displays with Glass enclosure (% of coverage) 62,9% 61,1% 1,8 p.p. 62,9% 61,1% 1,8 p.p.
Food donations to charities            
Tns donated 52,7 52,0 1,3% 250,8 171,0 46,7%
# donor stores 40 45 -11,1% 51 73 -30,1%
R$ ths donated 1.088,4 1.102,9 -1,3% 2.928,4 1.979.1 48,0%