Business and Brands
Cencosud’s Brazilian operation consists of hyper/supermarkets, wholesale (cash & carry), convenience stores, pharmacies, electro-shows, gas stations, financial services business and private label marketing. Check out each one below:
The main business of Cencosud Brazil, the group has stores in the hyper and supermarket formats distributed in the states of Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Ceará, Pernambuco (GBarbosa), Rio de Janeiro (Prezunic), Goiás and Minas Gerais (Bretas). The stores have various sections, among which are bakery, butchery, greengrocery, pet, hygiene, perfumery, cleaning and bazaar. At GBarbosa, the customers can also find electrical appliances like computers, mobile phones and other equipment and accessories.
The GBarbosa Electro-show consists of small stores dedicated to the sale of electrical appliances, electronics and bazaar in the states of Bahia, Sergipe and Alagoas There are more than 90 stores distributed mainly in cities in the countryside, making it easier for customers to access the products they want and also to take advantage of GBarbosa’s promotions and Cencosud Card’s facilities.
In addition to supermarkets and hypermarkets, the Gbarbosa chain also has GBarbosa Pharmacies. There are more than 40 units installed inside the main stores of the chain, providing greater convenience to customers during their visit.
At Perini stores, customers have at their disposal the entire mix of premium products, imported and domestic, and own their production, including sections of bakery, fruits and vegetables, wine cellar, pasta, sauces, cold cuts, among others. The brand is also present in Salvador’s main shopping malls in Perini Cafe format, with a more compact mix, with snacks, sweets, cold cuts, ice cream and beverages, as well as a special menu for snacks.
Gas Station
The group has more than 10 Breta fuel stations in the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais. Services such as oil changes, checking water levels, engine oil, fluids in general, tire calibration and quick car washes are offered at the establishments.
Cencosud’s brand, Spid, offer a portfolio of more than 1,000 products with a focus on the categories of basic food, cold drinks, butchery, snacks, sweets, frozen meals, perfumery and bazaar, seeking to meet the needs of customers with delivery within 35 minutes. In Brazil, Spid started its operation in Rio de Janeiro in March 2021.
Cash & Carry
Combine the conveniences of retail with the economy of purchasing in bulk. It is with this proposal that Mercantil Rodrigues, cash & carry brand Mercantil Atacado of Cencosud Brazil, attracts both individual and corporate customers, small businessmen and processors who seek variety and low prices and it has presence in the states of Bahia (Salvador, Lauro de Freitas, Juazeiro and Feira de Santana) and Sergipe (Aracaju). The Bretas brand also has stores with the format – Bretas Atacarejo – located in the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais. In July 2022, the Giga brand became part of the Cencosud family, adding the state of São Paulo.
Own Brands
The Bretas, GBarbosa and Prezunic chains have their own line of brand that carries the name of their brands. There are more than 100 products, including food, cleaning, perfumery and hygiene items. The concept of own brand seeks to combine quality and low price, being an excellent purchase option for customers.
Own brand products go through several quality steps. All suppliers are audited by certifying companies to ensure its compliance with sanitary legislation, good manufacturing practices, product and process control, Workplace Safety and Health, Environment and Social Responsability based on the Global Markets and IFS Food criteria.
The Cencosud’s own Bazaar brand, KREA today has more than 900 items in its line of bed, table and bath. Always tuned in to the buying trends, variety of styles, colors and design for all tastes, KREA can be found in all the Cencosud Brazil chains.
Through the Cencosud Card, GBarbosa, Bretas and Mercantil Rodrigues chain customers have exclusive discounts, differentiated payment conditions and several services, such as insurance and installment of bills.